Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lady Zee came up with this idea after this.
What is the "Bloguons Utile / Let's blog usefully" group?
We appeal to you today because we are bloggers, but also members of a new form of Civil Society, supposedly virtual, whose impact could be tremendous if we manage to work hand in hand with the same aims.
Our blogs are an easy and useful way to speak up and to voice out widely our messages, this is why you are more than welcome to join us at the "Bloguons utile" / "Let's blog usefully" group?
Therefore, all together, we could steadily promote a cause through our respective blogs!
Guiding principle
We would agree on a specific day where we will all post an article for this cause on our blogs. We will illustrate it with the "let's blog useful" logo (that you could find here in french and english) and tag it with "bloguons utile".
There is no specific membership condition. You are a blogger, interested to be part of this, so drop a mail at with your name or nickname and your blog's URL adress. Then you will receive shortley all the details with respect to the next "Let's blog useful".
This group starts in Morocco but will not be necessarily a Moroccan one. Bloggers from all over the world could join us and strengthen our actions.
Please feel free to forward this to your bloggers' contacts who could be interested.
Each person from this group could suggest an event to celebrate or a cause to advocate, and we will agree on a day to post article about it.
We will keep the Papers, Magazines, TV channels posted on each and every event, should their input be helpful. Nothing should be forgotten: the more buzz we get, the better!
Save the date! The first « Let's blog usefully » Day : september 23 and 24, 2007
To make a good start for this new initiative, we suggesting posting the coming Sunday 23 and Monday 24 of September for a major cause : an association whose goals are protection and reinsertion of young Moroccan detainees: L'Association Marocaine des amis des centres de réforme et de Protection de l'enfance
These detainees are above all children
If you wish to join us in this great experience please send an email to and you will receive shortly all the information related to this association, its missions, goals and achievements, so that you will raise your reader's awareness about this association, and hopefully the outcome would be to cause donations.
You will also receive the logo of this association that you shall paste besides the "let's blog usefully" one.
You will have the choice to paste all the text we will give you about this association or to customize it. The theme of this first movement is : childhood and jail, reinsertion of young detainees in Society, and our necessary help. Feel free to find an original way to make your readers generous towards those children.
Stay tuned, more to come... :-)
Labels: Morocco
posted by Amine at 10:52 PM

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