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Friday, May 30, 2008
"Legend says this land was hauled from the ocean like a giant fish
And then it waited
In fact, these islands waited until every other country had been discovered
Before any human ever set foot here
To the youngest country on earth..."

Hep, hold on! Do me a favor. Don't press yet the "Play button" of the embedded video below.
Put on your headset and pump up the volume to the max.
Take a deep, very deep breath. Open your senses, in particular to the first 45 seconds of the spot praising the beauty of New Zealand. This is one of the best adverts, on of the most inspiring and aspirational spots I have seen for a long time. Enjoy. Now Press On.

The original video, and in better quality is here (once there, click on "Play again").
And if you really liked it, here is the making of / behind the scene story.


posted by Amine at 11:40 PM |


At 6/01/2008 01:48:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

I had a love story with NZ by the end of 2007, it started with this Haka thing that I've seen in a Rugby game, and ended by...well, I don't remember!
And... I think it has just restarted.


At 6/07/2008 05:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Bof, un attrape-nigaud de plus. Que penser d'une publicité qui mise sur le côté "nature sauvage" d'un pays et dans laquelle on voit entre autres, un yacht promenant qq privilégiés, un hélicoptère amenant 2 couillons en haut d'une montagne pour un plaisir égoïste, une moto, quelques bagnoles et j'ai du en oublier ? Réponse : que les gars qui ont fait ça vivent encore en 1950.