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Monday, May 19, 2008
Hey, tell me something, what would you say after reading such a paragraph:
"Personally, as an American Christian, I don’t vote for president on the basis of who will be the strongest supporter of The Vatican. I vote for who will make America strongest. It’s not only because this is my country, first and always, but because the single greatest source of support and protection for The Vatican is an America that is financially and militarily strong, and globally respected. Nothing would imperil The Vatican more than an enfeebled, isolated America."
One would legitimately think the author is definitely a conservative pretty much biased in his politucal views because of his/her his religion. Quite scary though. And not politically correct. "I don't vote for X because of A... but you know what, at the end, yeah, I can't vote without thinking about A".

OK, let's try it differently know. Read this:
"Personally, as an American Muslim, I don’t vote for president on the basis of who will be the strongest supporter of Saudi Arabia. I vote for who will make America strongest. It’s not only because this is my country, first and always, but because the single greatest source of support and protection for Saudi Arabia is an America that is financially and militarily strong, and globally respected. Nothing would imperil Saudi Arabia more than an enfeebled, isolated America."
Wooooo... Really Scary! Who's the fundamentalist able to write that? How dare he say America is his country "first and always", if at the end what matters is the support and protection of Saudi Arabia? Is this what we call a patriot? Screw him this traitor, he's from the axis of Evil!
Well well well, let's go back now to what Mister well-know
Thomas L. Friedman, columnist at the biggest newspaper the New York Times, actually wrote yesterday May 18, 2008, in an editorial named "Obama and the Jews" (the original version so to speak):
"Personally, as an American Jew, I don’t vote for president on the basis of who will be the strongest supporter of Israel. I vote for who will make America strongest. It’s not only because this is my country, first and always, but because the single greatest source of support and protection for Israel is an America that is financially and militarily strong, and globally respected. Nothing would imperil Israel more than an enfeebled, isolated America."

No comment? Nothing sounds embarassing in his statement? Well...

An American must vote as an American. Dot. Not because of his/her religion. As in any real democracy not based on religion. This is the perception I wanna keep of a strong America. Not Friedman's one.

("It's not only because this is my country"... well, at the end, probably he did not mean America...

Wag the dog Mr Friedman, wag the dog.

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posted by Amine at 3:18 AM |


At 5/28/2008 12:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

J'ai lu et relu les propos de Friedman ainsi que les versions 1.1 et 1.2 et je n'arrive pas à les trouver choquants...

Pour une fois je ne suis pas d'accord avec toi. Pour moi, Friedman affiche son désir de voir une Amérique moins liée au Vatican...

Bref, question de perception j'imagine...

La prochaine fois on sera peut être d'accord.