Thursday, May 31, 2007

Big brother & Co have now reached a point of no return.
Tomorrow evening the Dutch TV BNN will broadcast the very controversial Big Donnor Show, produced by Endemol.
The concept: a terminally ill woman will decide who out of 3 patients needing a kidney transplant will get it from her. Viewers will vote through SMS to say "hey I vote for the life of Human Being number 1", "No the second one is prettiest, I vote for HB number 2!". Gosh...
Okay the idea is to raise people's awareness about the need for organs donations, to stress the very little number of doners in the Netherlands, part of the money raised will be given to the Dutch Transplant Donation.... But not this f**** way!!!
This is not immoral, it is worse, this is amoral.
In a nutshell, Endemol has no ethic and is really a piece of shit.
posted by Amine at 11:55 AM

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Post a CommentAt 6/03/2007 06:02:00 PM, hamza daoui
On peut pas contribuer a ce qu`on arrête la diffusion pacque c`est juste contribuer a censurer le programme et la censure est tous simplement contre les valeurs de la libertés d`expression. on devrai accepter ca pacque y a pas moyens de le stoper. ,en plus de ca on devrai pas en parler parcke qu`on contribue a faire de la publiciter pour le programme. et parcque c choquant et que tous le monde en parle que le programme est devenu populaire...