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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I found this post by Eve on the Lebanese Blogger Forum.

"Dear Olmert,
What are you doing? you are pathetic..
You can destroy our bridges
Our ports
Our south
Our north
Our capital
Our hospitals
We will rebuild
Just as before
Just as always
We're staying
WE are staying
YOU will never break us
You can kill our children
Our daughters and sons
Our moms and dads
Our sisters and brothers
And WE will never forget
Our wrath will be unleashed
And we will remember
Every single child you hurt
Every single mother who cried
Every single home you broke
And we will move on
We will pick up the pieces and mend them back together
We will replant the jasmine trees
The orange trees
And the cedars trees
Our mountains and our valley will be green again
Our laughter will echo once again
I promise you.

And we will continue to be the strong unshakable people that we are
WE are LEBANESE you coward
Go to hell.
Citizens of Lebanon."
posted by Eve HERE.
posted by Amine at 8:32 PM |


At 7/19/2006 01:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

cette vidéo est vraiment atroce!! Je ne comprends pas comment certaines personnes s'accordent le droit de vie ou de mort sur d'autres???!!c'est totalement indigne de la part des dirigeants politiques de ne pas réagir et de rester impassibles devant ce genre de monstruosités..a quoi bon servent t-ils????


At 7/20/2006 12:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

ce post est sans doute le meilleur sur le sujet que j'ai lu pour le moment.
Pour la vidéo, no comment. :/